
Evan Rubinson Makes a Name for Himself After Following His Father into the Music Industry 

Evan Rubinson grew up with a father who owned a musical instrument company called Armadillo Enterprises. He understood the music industry from an early age and felt comfortable with it. Despite this, Rubinson never envisioned himself following in his father’s footsteps.

Educational Background and Early Career

Rubinson enrolled in the finance degree program at Duke University in North Carolina in the fall of 2010 after having graduated from Jesuit High School the previous spring. After earning his undergraduate credentials, Rubinson started his career in the world of finance. Everything changed when his father received a terminal brain cancer diagnosis in 2016.

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Evan Rubinson Takes Over the Family Business

Once his father became too ill to work, Rubinson took over at the helm of Armadillo Enterprises. He states that it meant a lot to him on an emotional level to continue his father’s legacy. However, he found that the hard skills he developed in his finance jobs didn’t carry over to his new position. He had to focus more on building relationships with customers and vendors, which allowed him to develop a greater sense of empathy.

A passion for music is one of the greatest things someone new to the industry can bring, according to Evan Rubinson. He states that formal education in this industry is not nearly as important as having a passion for the brands he represents and caring about people. Several of the people who work for him now do not have a college degree, but Rubinson does not see that as an issue.

The advice Rubinson would give people trying to break into the music industry is to network as much as possible, especially with musicians, musical instrument wholesalers, and publications. Evan Rubinson also recommends hanging out at concerts, festivals, and other musical events to get to know as many people as possible. He knows from his experience as a child that being immersed in the music industry will help people understand the everyday details that people from the outside never see, such as:

  • What goes on backstage
  • The set-up process for live performances and studio recordings
  • The duties people typically perform according to their role
  • Learning how to communicate with others in an effective manner

Rubinson cannot stress enough how important it is for people to immerse themselves in the music industry if they hope to make a career out of it.

Evan Rubinson Transitions from Armadillo Enterprises to ERA Brands

In early 2022, Rubinson seized the opportunity to create and launch his own musical instruments company that represents several brands. He thoroughly enjoys his role as Executive because he uses his people skills every day to engage with others and direct them towards what they need. He named the company ERA Brands to incorporate his own name into the business he loves. The moniker stands for Evan Rubinson Acoustics. While working in the finance industry may have more rewarding on a monetary level, Rubinson finds greater meaning and satisfaction in his newest role.

Read more about Evan Rubinson on Ideamensch

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